about me

I usually find myself very busy doing whatever I love most. Working!
When I am not working (never) I go out and enjoy walking by the beach or the banks of a river. Water soothes me.
I live in Veroia, Greece. I work as an EFL teacher in various institutions and colleges. I have into teacher development for 10 years. Have completed a MSc in ICT in Education. Currently working on my PhD regarding AR in Education.
I am a great fan of sir Ken Robinson. Take a look at the video and you will also understand why.

Coming to think of it, if there is a theory that sums up philosophy, it is probably Palto's cave. Thank God for some inspirational videos

I am sort of a crafter too. That is why I felt the need to built this blog. It is not a pro job. I would have liked a more sleek style perhaps but I would need more time. If I ever get round to it...

Feel free to share the material in any page, site or media you need as long as you mention where it came from. It will be more than enough.
Feel free to contact me in case you have suggestions or questions regarding what you find in this blog.
